If you have a missing tooth or teeth, you may be self-conscious when smiling or laughing, or you may have difficulty chewing at mealtime. Whether you want to improve your outward appearance or your teeth’ structure and function, dental implant surgery can be a great option.
We’re frequently asked by patients how long it takes for recovery from dental implants. The healing process can vary significantly from one patient to the next, depending on the extent of the implant surgery and how well a patient complies with their post-surgery plan.
What is Dental Implant Surgery?
When you lose a tooth, you lose both the root, which anchors the tooth to your jaw and the crown, which is the visible part of the tooth we use to chew.
To replace a lost tooth, your dentist may prescribe a dental implant. Very similar to a natural tooth, the implant is also comprised of a root and crown. The only real difference is that an implant is made of titanium, as opposed to the bone and tissue of a natural tooth.
In basic dental implant surgery, your dentist makes a small incision in the gum and places a small titanium rod into the jaw’s bone. They then attach an abutment to the implant so they can connect the dental crown.
Average Time for Recovery From Dental Implant Surgery
As with most medical procedures, the healing process for dental implant recovery is different for every patient and depends on the procedure’s extent.
Patients experience little to no swelling and minimal, if any, discomfort post-procedure and fully recover in a day or two.
However, if your dentist determines that your jawbone isn’t thick enough or is too soft to hold an implant, you may need to reinforce the jawbone to implant a new tooth. A bone graft or sinus lift surgery may require several visits to the dentist, sometimes over a period of weeks.
Patients who undergo a lengthier procedure should expect the healing process to last longer. You will have to heal from the bone graft or sinus lift surgery before your implant can be placed. Your dentist will be able to give you a more accurate projection for recovery from a dental implant based on your individual case.
Post-Procedure Do’s and Don’ts
Regardless of the extent of your procedure, there are things you can do for a quicker, more successful recovery from dental implant surgery.
Take Care of Yourself
Even if you’ve had a relatively simple procedure, there’s still a healing process, and it’s a good idea to take the day off to relax and rest.
If you were given a sedative, you’ll probably feel drowsy, so you should avoid driving, operating machinery, or engaging in any other tasks that require concentration.
You should also avoid strenuous activity and lift heavy objects after dental implant surgery to prevent bleeding or release the blood clot(s) at your surgery site.
If you experience fever or swelling that lasts more than a couple of days or shortness of breath (which may indicate an allergic reaction to the anaesthesia), contact your dentist immediately.
Listen to your Dentist
Your dentist will give you precise aftercare instructions, and the closer you adhere to them, the more likely you are to recover without incident.
After dental implant surgery, you may be directed to avoid brushing and mouthwash entirely for a short time or directed to brush as you usually would, but avoid the tender areas.
Whether prescribed or over-the-counter, if you are using pain medication, do so only at your dentist’s direction. It’s also crucial that you attend all post-procedure appointments with your dentist to ensure a smooth recovery from a dental implant procedure.
Mind the Blood Clot
As you would after the removal of a wisdom tooth, you may have an open socket or wound in your mouth after your dental implant surgery. In the normal healing process, a blood clot forms at the site. If a clot becomes dislodged, you may experience bleeding and risk of infection.
To protect the clot during dental implant recovery, avoid alcohol, carbonated beverages, and drinking from a straw for a few days after surgery. You also shouldn’t smoke and should try to avoid spitting.
Watch Your Diet
Your dentist may advise some modifications to your diet for some time after your dental implant surgery. You may find that milder, softer food, like applesauce or oatmeal, is more comfortable to eat during dental implant recovery.
Typically, we recommend avoiding too hot, too cold, or too spicy foods and anything too chewy or tough during dental implant recovery. You’ll heal faster and lessen the chances of a blood clot becoming dislodged.
Some good choices include yoghurt, oatmeal, applesauce, or some lukewarm soup.
The Next Step
Recovery from a dental implant procedure is different for everyone, and everyone’s healing process varies after dental implant surgery. To ensure both your implant procedure and recovery are successful, you’ll want to choose a practice with experience and expertise in dental implants, like No Gaps Dental.
At No Gaps Dental, we have more than 50 highly qualified dentists in 15 convenient locations throughout Sydney. We’re happy to walk you through all the steps of the process. Dental Implant surgery can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Give us a call today at (02) 8806 0227 to arrange a consultation to speak with a knowledgeable staff member about your journey to a better smile.
Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.