If you know anything about dental implants you’ll know that they’re considered the gold standard of missing tooth replacement– and not without good reason. The benefits of dental implants for those looking for smile replacement options are many. With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at those benefits in greater detail.
A Dental Implant Behaves Like a Natural Tooth
This is one of the main advantages of implant-based restorations over traditional dentures and bridges. While conventional dentures and bridges are supported in the mouth either through suction or through heavy reliance on adjacent natural teeth, dental implants are anchored directly into the jaw.
As a standalone restoration, a dental implant looks, feels and behaves just like a natural tooth. In fact, most people can’t even tell the difference. Not only does a dental implant retain full chewing power, but patients can also brush and floss normally, just like they do with their natural teeth. In other words, a dental implant provides a hassle-free solution to a missing tooth replacement.
A Dental Implant Can Last For Many Years
There is some debate over just how long a dental implant can last. The reason for this is that although implant-based restorations were first introduced in the 1950s they didn’t become popular until the 1990s once success rates were over 90%. Therefore, many people who have had them fitted are still living with their implants every day.
Here’s what we do know…
Dental implants were first fitted into a human patient back in 1965 where they remained fully functioning until the patient’s death in 2006 some forty years later. So we can say with some clarity that a dental implant has been proven to last for forty years or more.
However, as a generalisation, it’s probably safe to say that a titanium dental implant typically lasts for several decades if cared for correctly.
Even so, that’s still a significant increase when you compare it to a dental bridge which typically lasts for around 10 years. Inevitably, longevity is one of the major dental implants benefits to consider when exploring your missing tooth replacement options.
Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss
When it comes to dental implants benefits, this is regarded as the ‘ace in the hole.’ The one factor that really stands an implant out from its more traditional competitors.
Once a tooth is missing, the surrounding bone tissue that once supported it is no longer stimulated. This results in ongoing bone deterioration. Did you know, for instance, that in the first year after a tooth loss the jaw bone loses around 25% of its entire volume? Moreover, further bone loss continues after this point.
Conventional dentures can have the opposite effect and accelerate bone loss, Because they become loose over time, they can rub on the bony ridge, gradually wearing it away.
Conversely, because a dental implant replaces a tooth root as well as the tooth itself, it can restimulate any remaining bone and, as a result, further bone loss is stopped in its tracks once and for all. Implants can even provide stimulation for further natural bone growth.
A Dental Implant Keeps Other Natural Teeth Stable
Imagine a set of stones around an archway…collectively they should be strong enough to support a considerable load but remove any one of those stones and the archway collapses. Similar things happen to your teeth. Collectively the teeth work together to create a strong and stable platform, but once a tooth is missing, it causes adjacent teeth to become unstable and start to gravitate towards the gap. This in turn causes misalignment and a whole host of problems that come with that.
Because a dental implant replaces a missing tooth in its entirety, it bridges the gap, completes the smile and maintains smile stability.
Dental Implants Prevent Facial Ageing
While a dental implant isn’t the elixir of eternal youth, it can prevent the signs of facial ageing but how so?
Unfortunately, facial sagging is an unwanted side effect of bone loss. If you think about it, your facial skin is stretched to fit the bone structure of your face. So, when bone loss occurs after a missing tooth, your skin no longer fits your face and therefore starts to sag, particularly in the jowl area. Changes can include tell-tale wrinkling around the mouth area, thinning lips and a more pointed chin. Ultimately, this makes a person appear older than their years. Because dental implants can put an end to bone loss, they also prevent further facial ageing. As far as dental implants benefits go, this one delivers a real confidence boost.
Dental Implants Aren’t Just a One-Trick Pony
You know that an implant can replace a single missing tooth but did you know that dental implants can also be used to replace several teeth or even an entire arch of teeth? That’s right, implants are multi-faceted.
In addition, they can also be used to support implant-retained bridges and dentures, the latter of which can be either fixed or removable to suit your needs. In fact, however many missing teeth you currently have, dental implants can be used to restore and rejuvenate your smile permanently!
So there you have it! 6 dental implants benefits that you really can’t ignore. If you are considering your missing teeth options then why not talk to the team at No Gaps Dental. We’re a multi-location dental group who provide a range of dental implant restorations. With flexible payment plans and competitive pricing, we provide the perfect solution to help you restore your smile.
Book a consultation with a No Gaps dentist of your choice today or call us at (02) 8806 0227.
Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.