If you’ve ever taken the time to look into dental implants price comparison, you’ll notice that there can be a significant difference in the cost. So why is this? Our No Gaps dentist explains…
Dental Implant Price Evaluation Rule #1 – Always Compare Like For Like
The key when looking into dental implant cost is to ensure you always compare ‘like for like’. Here’s an example…
I’m sure you’ve seen those cut-price adverts for dental implants – You know, the ones that make you look twice. There’s no doubting that anyone advertising a dental implant for $500 is likely to pique some interest. And understandably so, especially when the average cost of an implant-based restoration here in Australia falls somewhere between $3000 and $6500 per tooth. Even after you take the lower end of the pricing scale, that’s still 6 times more expensive than the one advertised.
But hold on a minute because there’s a catch…
When you investigate closer and look at the small print, you’ll probably see that this is a ‘dental implant only’ price. This means that you now have to pay say, another $500-$700 for the abutment, a further $1500-$2000 for the crown and, in some cases, this might not even cover the cost of the implant surgery. Suddenly, that $500 bargain seems like a dim and distant memory.
Remember, when it comes to dental implants price comparison always ensure you are comparing the same things. E.g. Apples with apples, not apples with oranges!
Questions to note…
- Is this an ‘all in’ price where everything is accounted for?
- What about the implant brand? Am I being quoted for a lesser-known make or a proven dental implant brand with years of clinical testing behind them?
Dental Implants Price Comparison Rule #2 – Avoid Comparing One Country With Another
There’s no getting away from the fact that dental vacations are big business with some countries advertising a cut-price dental implant cost as much as 70% less than those prices quoted back home. But when all things are considered, the overseas cost of dental implant surgery is not the only price you’re likely to pay.
For starters, travelling some 4000kms plus, for cheap dental treatment takes a great deal of planning. There’s the cost of the return flights, your accommodation to consider, and of course, the cost of food while you are away. That’s before we even talk about the cost of a follow-up evaluation should something go wrong.
Suddenly, the overall dental implant cost is typically far higher than initially thought and includes price factors that you almost definitely wouldn’t incur if you opt for dental implants back home.
So while you don’t have to go far to find dental implants that are cheaper outside of Australia, the question you should ask is….Is this even a fair (like for like) comparison in the first place?
Dental implants price comparison Rule #3 – All Missing Tooth Options Are Not The Same
With all this talk of dental implants, it’s worth noting that there are other options for missing tooth replacement – pretty much all of which are cheaper options. But again, is it a fair comparison?
Consider treatments like conventional dentures and bridges, for example. You still get to restore missing teeth without undergoing a surgical process but at a cheaper cost than a dental implant.
So surely, when comparing costs, these options are a better deal, right?
Well not quite…
You see, there are compromises you need to make when opting for both conventional bridges and dentures that you don’t have to make when choosing dental implants.
For example, with a conventional dental bridge, adjacent healthy teeth will need to be reshaped in order to take the framework for the bridging crown. This can compromise them in the long-term.
Alternatively, when you opt for conventional dentures, unlike dental implants, they can’t halt the bone loss process that occurs naturally when teeth are missing. For this reason, dentures will need to be replaced often as the shape of the jaw changes – at an additional cost to you!
When you start to weigh up these factors then, in reality, dental implants are the more reliable and indeed, permanent solution.
How To Get The Best Bang For Your Buck When Considering Dental Implant Cost?
Given everything we now know about dental implants price comparison and dental implant cost, if you go about it properly, you might not be paying as much as you initially think.
The key is to buy quality and buy once!
Initially, of course, you’re likely to be out of pocket for around several thousand dollars or more, but even then, many dental practices offer payment plans allowing you to spread the cost of implants over a period of weeks or months.
Moreover, don’t forget that in return – when you pay for quality dental implants from a dental clinic – especially with dentists who are highly experienced at fitting implant-based restorations, you should receive permanent and lifelike teeth that will remain hassle-free.
These are teeth that will not only restore the form and function of your smile but teeth that will (if looked after properly) last you several decades or more. This is where the real savings come into play!
As you can see there’s a lot to consider when making a dental implants price comparison but if you take everything into consideration and make equal evaluations, you will end up with a price point that is both fair and just and one which you are happy to pay.
If you would like to find out more about dental implant costs, or about how the process works, come and talk to our team at No Gaps Dental. With 15 convenient locations spread throughout the Sydney Metro area, we offer the perfect solution in terms of cost and convenience for your missing teeth problems. Book online today at a No Gaps clinic of your choice.
Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.