When you have a missing tooth or teeth, it can be a life-altering experience. Missing teeth can affect your oral health, appearance, confidence, and social life, so it’s essential to consider the options available for replacing them.
Dental implants are an option that is durable and long-lasting. Unlike some other tooth restoration options, they look and function like a natural tooth. Advancements in dental technology have made the possibility of dental implant surgery a reality for numerous patients, positively impacting their jaw health and self-esteem. But how long do teeth implants last?
Dental implants are a durable option for tooth replacement because they are lower maintenance than fixed bridges or dentures. They are also designed to fuse with your body using biocompatible materials, making them a stable, permanent tooth replacement.
Dental implant surgery is a lengthy process consisting of several appointments leading up to the procedure and follow-up check-ins periodically starting three to nine months after your implant procedure. Dental professionals at No Gaps Dental can help you determine if dental implants are the right option for you.
How Long Do Teeth Implants Last?
Dental implants are an artificial tooth root created using a titanium post that is inserted into the gums, bonding to the jawbone over time. This fusion helps reduce the risk of bone deterioration in the jaw. The design allows them to become part of your face’s structure, so dental implants are an incredibly long-lasting solution to missing teeth.
Bridges or dentures need to be replaced at least every five to ten years due to the pressure of chewing and changes in your face shape due to bone resorption. Following dental implant surgery, the implants can remain in the mouth for decades. The crown, however, may need to be replaced after 25 years.
Even though dental implant surgery costs are higher than other tooth replacement options such as crowns and bridges, the durability and functionality of dental implants make them a worthwhile investment. While dentures or bridges are more affordable, their frequent need for replacement due to wear and tear and gum recession from jawbone deterioration adds to the procedure’s long-term cost.
Who is a Suitable Candidate for Teeth Implants?
To move forward with teeth implants, you need to meet a few criteria to make sure the procedure is right for you. Having a healthy jawbone is extremely important because this is what the titanium implant adheres to. You should also have healthy gums and be free from any diseases that affect bone healing for the titanium to fuse to the bone correctly.
If your jawbone density is inadequate, you may need a bone graft or a sinus lift to improve the tissue’s quality and provide a stable foundation for the implant. This will also increase the longevity of the implants and reduce the risk of implant failure.
People with autoimmune diseases may be ineligible for dental implants, as the immune response may lead to rejection of the implant and infection. People using certain medications, such as immunosuppressants, may also be unable to receive dental implants.
The Process of Receiving Dental Implants
The process starts with an initial consultation in which your dentist examines your mouth and takes X-rays and images to understand your facial structure and the quality of your jawbone.
Next, you’ll have an appointment to place the dental implants. Local anaesthesia or IV sedation can make the surgery more comfortable. As with other dental surgeries like wisdom tooth extraction, you can expect some mild swelling and bruising. These can be treated with ice packs or over the counter medications following the procedure.
The first few weeks following the surgery, your dentist will recommend that you adhere to a soft food diet as you begin the three to the six-month process of allowing the implant to fuse to your jawbone. This bonding is incredibly important as it creates a stable foundation that can determine the answer to the question: how long do teeth implants last?
Three to six months later, your implant will have fused with the bone, and the abutment, a small ball-like connector, can be placed. In some situations, this occurs at the same time as the dental implant procedure. Once the gums heal, your dentist fits your prosthetic teeth.
By going through the process correctly and following the recommendations of your dentist, you can rest assured that your dental implants will remain in place for decades.
Caring For Tooth Implants Properly
To keep your dental implants in good condition, proper care is essential. A good oral hygiene routine is necessary to keep the teeth around the implant free from decay and infection. Brush and floss twice daily, and use an antibacterial mouthwash once per day to keep your implant healthy.
To avoid bacterial infections such as peri-implantitis, you need to follow the directions of your dentist to stop a bacterial build-up from occurring on the surface of the implant. These infections can lead to deterioration of the jawbone, so regular dental checkups are essential.
Enjoy Long-Lasting Dental Implants in Sydney
Dental implants are a long-lasting tooth replacement solution that is low maintenance and restores your confidence. However, the quality and longevity of the implant depend not only on your overall oral health but also the skills of your dentist. Dental professionals at No Gaps Dental have been carrying out dental implant procedures successfully for over 30 years, using high-quality dental implants in a state of the art facility, so you can rest assured of the commitment to your oral health and wellbeing.
Contact No Gaps Dental at any of our 15 Sydney locations on (02) 8806 0227 to book your initial consultation. Let our reputable dental professionals help you begin your journey to a more confident, long-lasting smile.
Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.