Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.
8th December 2020
If you are considering dental implants then you probably already know that they remain fixed into the jawbone as a natural tooth replacement. Because they are permanently fitted into the jaw and become a part of your mouth, the care of dental implants is essentially the same as for your natural teeth.
Dental implants can transform your life by eradicating many of the problems associated with missing teeth or dentures. Not only do you see a beautiful smile when you look in the mirror but you can bite and chew normally again without worrying about denture movement or loose teeth.
The dental implant procedure is a lengthy one since it is carried out in several stages, but the key throughout is to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Infection and gum disease are the number one cause of dental implant failure which is why proper care of dental implants is so important.
Like any surgery, and dental implants are no different, infection control and strict levels of sanitation are imperative. At No Gaps Dental, we take every precaution, particularly during these current times, to adhere to strict hygiene control and this includes the use of hand sanitiser and facial masks by the dentist and the dental team.
Dental implant surgery is carried out in the dental chair and once it’s over and you feel back to normal, you’ll be issued with a set of post-surgery instructions to take home with you. Don’t forget to use hand sanitiser before leaving our dental clinic!
People are often uncertain about dental implant care which is why at No Gaps Dental we provide patients with all the dental care information and advice they need. Here’s what you need to know.
Following surgery it’s vital to follow your surgeon’s instructions to the letter since an infection of the implant site could lead to bone degeneration and serious complications. Here are a few important instructions to follow immediately after dental implants surgery.
Remember, that until the implant site has completely healed, it’s susceptible to infection.
Dental implant care relies on the teamwork of both patient and dentist and involves several visits to the dental practice to monitor progress both during the healing stages of the dental implant procedure and after you have been fitted with your dental crown, bridge, or dentures.
Once your treatment is complete, we recommend continual dental implant care by booking a cleaning appointment with your hygienist every three to four months and dental check-ups every six months. This enables us to check all the areas of your mouth and around your dental implants to monitor and maintain healthy gums and teeth. It’s always best to catch any issues in their early stages before they become a serious problem.
Although smoking doesn’t prevent a person from having dental implants, the rate of failure is much higher for smokers than it is for non-smokers. For health reasons, everyone should try to stop smoking but while we don’t judge anyone that smokes, we are honest about the implications on the long-term success of dental implants.
Nicotine starves the soft tissues of oxygen and nutrients. It also reduces the flow of saliva and constricts the blood vessels. This slows down the healing process and lowers the body’s immunity and ability to stave off infection.
Poor oral hygiene can cause gum disease which if left untreated may lead to periodontitis. This, in turn, can cause bone erosion and the eventual loss of natural teeth. Similarly, without meticulous dental implant care at home, dental implants can succumb to peri-implantitis which causes gum inflammation and deterioration of the supporting bone.
In severe cases, this can cause the implants to loosen and fall out which is why it’s important to be committed to caring for your new teeth if you want to reap the benefits of your investment for as long as you possibly can.
If you’d like to know more about the dental implant procedure and the care of dental implants, then why not book a consultation with the friendly experienced dentists at a No Gaps dental clinic near you. There’s no obligation but it will give you a better understanding of dental implants and the commitment that’s needed to help decide if they’re right for you.
Call us today at (02) 8806 0227.
Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.