If you have one or more missing teeth then it’s highly likely that you are a good candidate for dental implant surgery. That said, there are several considerations that dictate who can get dental implants. With this in mind, let’s take a closer look and who can and who can’t undergo a dental implant procedure.
Firstly, what about those who shouldn’t have any problems undergoing a dental implant process?
When it comes to dental implants, there is an ideal candidate. That would be someone who has recently lost a tooth or teeth typically through an accident and is seeking tooth replacement. Typically, they would be fit, have good dental health (other than the missing tooth or teeth) and have no underlying health conditions.
If you think about it, this makes sense. Dental implants involve a surgical procedure and like all surgical procedures, the patient must have no underlying conditions that may endanger life while under anaesthetic. So a patient who is relatively healthy for their age and is dentally fit is typically a good candidate for dental implant surgery.
But what about age?
Surprisingly, there is no upper age limit for getting dental implants and it’s worth noting that dentists regularly fit dental implants into the mouths of patients who are well into their 70’s and 80’s as long as they fit the criteria above.
So now you know who can get dental implants, what about those who don’t qualify as good candidates? Let’s take a closer look.
Children and Adolescents
Unfortunately, children and adolescents won’t qualify for a dental implant procedure because they are not yet fully developed. Full facial development is key to long-term implant success and typically this stage is around 16 for girls and 18 for boys.
If a dentist were to initiate a dental implant procedure before this point, it would be very difficult – If not impossible – because the jaw is still growing and the implant would be carried away from the teeth as the bone developed further.
If a child does have missing permanent teeth before full developmental age, then it’s likely that a dentist would initiate a temporary solution or fix until such times as full development is reached.
Underlying or Pre-existing Conditions
As already mentioned earlier, it wouldn’t be prudent for a person to undergo dental implant surgery if they have underlying heart conditions as this would be placing them at risk. In addition, those with pre-existing conditions like uncontrolled or chronic diabetes or those that have undergone radiotherapy to the head or neck area may find themselves at risk. For these reasons, an individual considering dental implant treatment will firstly need to be evaluated by their doctor or dental provider.
So now we know who can get dental implants and who can’t, it’s worth talking about another group of people….
Those that at present wouldn’t be advised to undergo dental implants but might become a good candidate should their current condition/situation change. These include:
While we all know that smoking has proven to be bad for our overall health, it’s also a huge problem for dental implants. Not only does nicotine dramatically slow the rate of new bone development – a vital part of the dental implants procedure – cigarette smoke also carries bacteria which is bad news for newly-placed restorations.
As a result, any candidate who smokes will need to agree to quit well before the start of the process and at the very least, until the implant has had a chance to properly osseointegrate (fuse) with any existing bone tissue. This can take up to 6 months.
Other Lifestyle Habits Such As Heavy Drinking Or Drug Taking
Just as smoking can be problematic for implant restorations, so too can heavy alcohol or drug use. They have similar effects on the body and can rapidly slow down the bone fusion process. So again, if you are a heavy drinker or drug taker don’t be surprised to be asked to refrain for the duration of the process.
Obese Patients
Patients who are extremely obese may also be at risk during dental implant surgery as the process itself may put a significant strain on the body. So to be deemed safe, these patients may be asked to lose weight first.
Pre-existing Gum Disease
To stand the best chance of dental implant success, restorations need to be placed into a healthy mouth. By this, we mean one that’s free from gum disease. As already stated, bacteria can play havoc with newly placed implants so the area must be disease-free.
If you do have gum disease and are considering dental implants then your chosen dentist will look to clear this up first. Treatment may involve something as simple as a course of antibiotics or it might include surgical procedures like gum pocket surgery or soft tissue grafting. Do be aware, however, that this is likely to add on both time and cost to a dental implants procedure.
Insufficient Bone
While insufficient bone is a problem for dental implants (they need good bone depth to anchor into) it doesn’t always mean that they can’t be placed. It simply means that the bone in and around the implant site will need to be rebuilt. This is achieved using a variety of bone grafting methods but again, patients should be aware that this needs to be carried out first and be allowed to fully heal before any dental implants can be placed.
So there you have it, who can get dental implants, who can’t, and who might be able to if their situation changes!
If you are considering undergoing dental implant surgery then talk to the team at No Gaps Dental. As well as offering competitive pricing for a dental implant procedure we take hygiene and infection control very seriously. As such we ensure the thorough use of hand sanitiser as well as carrying out a wide range of other protective measures. In this current climate, it’s good to know that we see simple things like the use of hand sanitiser as highly important and want you to know that you can always trust us to do the right thing.
Book a consultation with a No Gaps Dental clinic of your choice or call us on (02) 8007 6727 today!