Common Dental Implant Problems — Discussing How To Manage Them

16th June 2022

Common Dental Implant Problems — Discussing How To Manage Them

According to iData Research, the Australian dental implant market is driven by the growing elderly demographic and the digitisation trend which makes dental implants more affordable. The market for dental implants in Australia is projected to reach a staggering $136 million in 2027. 

A dental implant replaces a tooth that has been extracted, knocked out, or never developed. A biocompatible screw is surgically implanted into the jawbone during this multi-stage dental implant procedure, and an abutment and dental crown are attached. 

While the success rate for dental implant surgery is 90-95% after 10 years, complications can occur. If you are considering your missing teeth replacement options as you weigh the pros and cons, consider the common dental implant problems and discuss them with your dentist to ensure this is the best option for restoring your smile.   


Common Dental Implant Problems: Infection

Infections tend to occur shortly after the dental implant procedure, most often through peri-implantitis, an inflammation of the gum and bone around the dental implant. 

concerns for tooth implants sydneySymptoms include swollen and tender gums that bleed when brushed and increased pocket depth around the dental implant. If left untreated, this condition can cause the implant to loosen. 

Peri-implantitis is caused by overloading the implant, dental implants being placed too close together, poor jawbone quality, smoking, diabetes, poor oral hygiene and leftover cement being stuck on the implant.   

Visit your dentist as soon as possible to have the site assessed so that the dental implant can be saved. A bacterial infection in the gum can be treated with antibiotics or a soft tissue graft. A bacterial infection in the jawbone may require the removal of infected bone tissue and the implant.  


Common Dental Implant Problems: Bleeding

Mild bleeding after implantation is normal and should resolve after several days. However, excessive bleeding could signal more serious surgical complications, including perforation of the lingual plate. 

For dental implants placed along the anterior zone of the lower jaw (mandible), there is a higher risk of bleeding both during surgery and after. The dentist needs to drill a hole slightly longer than the implant post, and for posts more than 15mm in length, this can pose a risk of puncturing the bony wall at the bottom of the mouth (lingual plate) and potentially damaging the sublingual artery. 

Other causes of post-surgical bleeding include peri-implantitis and mucositis. Mucositis is characterised by inflamed, swollen, bleeding tissue around the implant site. Although it is not an infection, it can contribute to the development of peri-implantitis. 

If you notice bleeding around your implant, your dentist can prescribe a medication mouthwash containing ingredients like Chlorhexidine gluconate to sterilise the area and soothe discomfort. 



Common Dental Implant Problems: Allergic Reaction

Dental implants are commonly made from titanium, a highly biocompatible metal used in a dental implant procedure to reduce the risk of implant rejection. However, patients may experience an allergic reaction in rare cases, leading to implant failure. 

According to a 2019 study in the International Journal of Implant Dentistry, titanium alloy implants can deposit trace amounts of metal particulates in the tissues surrounding the implants. This can occur due to normal wear and tear and corrosion. 

In patients with metal sensitivity, this can cause an intense inflammatory response. Another proposed cause of implant allergy is impurities in the titanium alloy.

Symptoms of a titanium allergy include swelling and discomfort at the implant site, eczema or hives around the mouth and on the gums, tissue necrosis, bone loss, and reactions in other systems like yellowing nails or respiratory distress. 

If you suspect a titanium allergy, it is critical to visit your dentist immediately. Your dentist may perform a patch test or prescribe in vitro blood tests to detect lymphocyte migration inhibition. Your dentist may need to remove your dental implants and fit you with a ceramic option or alternative tooth replacement appliances like a bridge or denture. 


Common Dental Implant Problems: Loose Implant

Dental implants rely on osseointegration to create a stable foundation for the tooth restoration. 

issues dental implants sydneyDuring your dental implant procedure, your dentist checks the dental implant’s primary stability using a variety of tests, including percussion testing, insertion torque, and the Periotest system, which uses a metallic tapping rod in a handpiece to produce signals. Typically, if the dental implant shows adequate stability, the site is closed, or the abutment and restoration can be placed immediately, depending on your treatment plan.  

A loose implant could indicate poor placement, inadequate bone fusion, or infection, resulting in implant rejection. Your implant may also become loose over time, or you may notice movement after the abutment or restoration is placed. 

If your implant becomes loose or falls out, visit your dentist immediately to rule out infection or bone loss as the cause. Keep any loose parts in a sterilised container and only handle the pieces after washing your hands or using a hand sanitiser. Your dentist may be able to replace and tighten the screw or abutment. 

If the implant is loose due to infection or bone loss, you will need treatment, including antibiotics, gum flap surgery, and bone or soft tissue grafts.


Visit No Gaps Dental if You Show Warning Signs of an Implant Complication

Dental practice safety is critical to minimise the risk of implant complications. For high-quality dental implants and a successful dental implant procedure, visit No Gaps Dental at one of our 15 Sydney locations. 

Our professional staff take the utmost care to ensure a safe environment by using hand sanitiser and sterilising tools between use. We also provide hand sanitiser for patients in the waiting areas to limit pathogen transmission. 

Contact us using our online booking form today to schedule your dental implant appointment or call us on 02 8007 6727




Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.





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